SC6500 1100D DİSK

Model No:56414022
Voltaj: (V)36
Maksimum hız: (KM/SAAT)9
Uzunluk x genişlik x yükseklik: (MM)1870x1080x1480
Fırça hızı: (RPM)240
Temiz su/kirli su haznesi: (L)265/265
Akü kapasitesi: (AH/5)480
Yükleme ağırlığı :(KG)1266
Fırça basıncı: (KG)43/90/145
Ovalama genişliği: (MM)1000
Minimum geriye dönüş koridor genişliği: cm214
Maksimum tırmanma eğimi: (%)10.5-16
Verimlilik oranı teorik/gerçek: (M²/SAAT)9000/6300
Fırça/ped çapı: (MM)510/508
Ip koruma sınıfı: IP3X
Solüsyon pompası min/max: (L/DAK. 100PSI’DE)3.1-9.4
Ses basınç seviyesi: 70
Vakum motoru gücü: (W)560-3 stages
Traksiyon motoru gücü: (W)1400
Maksimum çalışma süresi: 5 HOURS
Fırça motoru: (W)1×2240
Silici lastik genişliği: (CM)125
Brüt ağırlık: (KG)1460
Brush quantity and type2: Disc
Geriye gidişte otomatik silici lastik kaldırıcısı: Dahil
Geri gidiş uyarı alarmı: Dahil
Lastikler 4 taraflı kullanılabilir: Dahil
One-Touch™ Tek tuşla çalışma özelliği: Dahil
Disk platformu: Dahil
Ecoflex prepared:Dahil
Break-away squeegee clips: Dahil
Sıkılarak akış kontrolü sağlanan boşaltma hortumu: Dahil
Silici lastik: Dahil


Nilfisk SC6500 is a highly productive machine for scrubbing and drying of large floor and indoor areas. It offers the best cleaning performance in its class, including the unique Ecoflex-system. Being easy to use for the staff – even for hard cleaning tasks – the SC6500 is ideal for big supermarkets, warehouses, airports, parking areas, food industries and heavy industries.

SC6500 is available in 4 different versions offering the choice between 2 scrubbing widths and cylindrical or disc scrubber for both widths. The result is a machine unsurpassed in its class when it comes to cleaning performance.  The need for high productivity when cleaning large areas is met by several benefits of the SC6500. It has a scrubbing width of up to 1300 mm, and the water tank capacity of 265 liters enables the operator to work for 1.5 hours before refilling. Also adding to productivity is the AC traction unit with a high working speed. At the same time, the noise level is significantly low which enables work in noise sensitive areas. More importantly, the total cost of ownership is reduced since the new motor is maintenance free and has a high-quality gearbox.

Scrubbing width of up to 1300 mm ensuring high productivity Water tank capacity of 265 liters enables the operator to work for 1.5 hours before refilling. High brush pressure, and effective drying enabled by a powerful vacuum motor. AC traction unit reduces the total cost of ownership since the motor is maintenance free and has a high-quality gearbox. Low noise level which enables work in noise sensitive areas and during the night. OneTouch control makes the driving and controlling the SC6500 easy. Ecoflex system is reducing cost by saving water and detergent which is essential when cleaning large areas.